Planning Subcommittee By-Laws

Adopted: May 11, 1995

First Revision: May 11, 1995

Second Revision: April 11, 2007

  1. Review Charleston County Hazardous Materials Plan at least annually as required by SARA Title III, or as needed.
  2. Develop or coordinate studies as suggested or directed by LEPC.
  3. Perform a flow study of the hazardous materials passing through the community and present to the Charleston County LEPC.
  4. Make recommendation as to plan improvements and hazardous material routing.
  5. Perform an outreach program to small communities that do not have a facility but have hazardous materials passing thought their communities.
  6. Assist the Fire Chiefs Association with the review of the annual Hazardous Materials Division budget, prepared by the Hazardous Materials Division Staff, to be presented to the LEPC and Charleston County Council.
  7. Identify and pursue sources of funding and support for provision of additional resources.

The Planning Subcommittee should be composed of the LEPC Members in addition to members from the following organizations:

  • Charleston County Fire Chiefs Representative
  • Training Officers Association Representative
  • Charleston County Hazardous Materials Division
  • Charleston County Emergency Preparedness Division
  • Charleston County Emergency Medical Service
  • US Coast Guard
  • Local Emergency Management Organizations
  • Local Industry Representatives
  • Local Law Enforcement Representative